Role of a Funeral Celebrant
“The care of the dead separates us from all other living things, for it is only the human race that dignifies death. We mourn for a person lost to us and we ensure that their departure is a dignified and meaningful event, reflecting the love and the esteem in which they were held in life”
Eric Walters
Demonstrating empathy and professionalism are key qualities I provide when I conduct funeral services.
As a Funeral Celebrant I lead & conduct the services in accordance with the family’s wishes.
I am there to offer support and to assist the family with the structure and design of the funeral service making sure the flow and order of service is presented professionally so that it is a fitting tribute to the person who has passed away.”
Rituals are another way of involving others in a service for their loved one. The smallest of rituals can be very meaningful and significant eg Balloon Release, Memorial Candles or Giving of Flowers.
Flower Tributes
Rosemary sprigs can be handed to family & friends to place on the coffin as a gift to the person who has passed away
Lavender same as rosemary
Plants or Seeds Given by the family as a special memory, as the flower or plant was a favourite of the deceased.”
“Love and sensitivity when developing special words to celebrate the life and show respect to the person who has passed away”