Bridget Walch is a marriage celebrant who will help create your wedding ceremony for you and your partner.
Based on your stories and wishes about your love & friendship I will conduct and lead your wedding ceremony.
You are able to be married anytime and anywhere.
“Thinking about your ceremony, what does love mean to you both? Complete the following sentence by writing your thoughts down.
Love is .......
PS. Write one word, several words, sentences or maybe a piece of music describes your feelings
What does marriage mean to you both.....?
Write your words down so we can use them as part of your ceremony.”
“Ceremony considerations ?
Would you like your friends or a family member to participate by reading a verse, saying a special poem,playing music or singing a love song?
Can we use or adapt your favourite poems, readings, songs, music into your ceremony ?
I will help you with some special words for the following parts of your ceremony the Asking , your Vows & the Ring presentation but to personalize each part it would be great to have your input. Be assured we will work on this together.”
“In our first meeting I will explain and discuss with each of you the following points about getting married.
The Legal requirements of getting married, the paperwork including the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM), the Monitum, the role of your Witnesses, Relationship Education and my fee structure.